Oruma conducts counselling sessions for higher education, moral education classes and Malayalam language classes under its academic umbrella. These weekly classes scheduled at various parts of Chennai city are giving opportunities to knowledge inquisitors from various walks of life. Orama’s education oriented centres are located at Adyar, Tambaram, Purushawalkam and Parrys.
Oruma has compiled 90 hrs yearly academic syllabus for education of our kids to nurture literary talents. The syllabus includes Malayalam, Arabic, Moral studies, History, GK, and Creative sessions.
Orumayude Punchiry is an event conducted under the aegis of Oruma to bring together Chennai Families from various walks of life for a single day and enrich them through various constructive sessions. Kids get a chance to attend several nostalgic as well as creative competitions freely and independently to express their talents. Parallel sessions are conducted for parents addressing relevant topic in 21st century such as Parenting essentials, Strengthen family bonding etc.
The past events have been very rewarding to many of the 2000+ attendees.