“And indeed We have made the Quran easy for direction and guidance, but is there anyone who will take advice?” (Sura Al-Qamar 54, verse # 17)
The Holy Quran is the last and final message of Almighty Allah (SWT) through His Prophet(Peace and Blessings be upon Him), which guarantees success for mankind in this world and life hereafter. Allah Almighty has laid down all the laws of valuable knowledge, good deeds and prosperity of the whole mankind in His Book (Quran). To develop close affinity with Holy Quran and to understand it, is the most important need of the hour. When a person starts learning or teaching the Holy Quran, the doors of spiritual satisfaction and solace start opening in his heart. Holy Quran makes the character of its reader unprecedented and exemplary.
Oruma facilitates opportunity for both men and women across Chennai to study and understand the Holy Quran( in Malayalam), for success of mankind in this life and hereafter. Oruma conducts Quran Study Center (QSC), which is a systematic way to study Quran, its grammar (tajweed) and explanation in context of Islamic history. Oruma runs 16 Quran Study Centers across Chennai city and we welcome you to be part of this initiative.